SteamRip error!!!???


Full Member
Hi everyone!

Ok, I need help whit loading a game in steam rip. I`ve finnaly hope I could play Half-Life Source, but when I got the gcf and load it in steam rip it say "Path/file access error". What should I do???
Uhh...this is kind of wierd but... I don?t know how to insert a screenshot (I got one).... but anyway have you ever got it work?? (I know.... I?m a N00b)
Why should I need vb? Steam and Vb is two different programs. What have vb to do whit steam?

lol ur an idiot.
my program is made in vb6.
u need the vb6 runtimes to start steamrip2

btw steamrip2 have nothing to do with steam, only with the gcf files.
IT DO NOTHING! well then i don?t know what to there something ells that gives free steam games??
Yeah Steam Buster needs several updates too everything does.
Your sig reminds me of vba eww change it >.<

Silly eddy!

Public Class Stfu
    Private Sub Stfu_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim Stfu As String = "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
        If Stfu = "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Then
            MsgBox("STFU you fucking whore!")
        ElseIf Not Stfu = "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Then
            MsgBox("GTFO NOW ASSHOLE!")
            MsgBox("This can't be done, we handled everything lol!")
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

That's how we do it in Vb.N3t

kthx for the nice translation of my l33t code to!!