The Janitor

The Noodle

FS Member
I'm the one that cleans up your forum, send me a pm if you need something locked etc. As for personal stuff, i'm an 18 year old Computer Science that runs Bowl Of Noodles, a gaming community.
thats an introduction?
whats a few game you play?
xbox or ps3?
leader or follower?
grammer nazi or wild typer?
I play SC2, Portal, Minecraft, Elder Scrolls...the list is pretty much endless.
xbox or ps3
I don't think you understand, I'm a real gamer. Games, and computers are a large part of my life.
If I had to choose one i'd say leader, simply because I seem to lead so many things :/ Oh and I slap anyone that thinks they're texting when posting on a forum. Well except for me, I text how I type.
It feels weird to welcome a staff member to the site but.. welcome, if you need anything then ask yourself you're a staff member
I think it mostly depends on the person,
I had massive migraines,
Bored to hell,
And my memory was crap for that 1 year I had nothing but free time.
I think I was depressed but still depression can happen when you have NOTHING to do!