

New Member
Hi, my name is John Smith (I am not making this name up everyone always asks me are you really John Smith I REALLY AM!) and I am 16 and have been playing and have about $100. I know you have to be 18 but please don't bitch. Now I find out that you have to have a valid driver license so can anyone please help I don't want to lose $100!
I wouldn't trust this guy.. real him or not who knows what he can do with your license.. but if you do, make sure to take some money from him =D

Maybe he is a spam bot anyway?
Confirm him!
Dude, I am for real please help me out. I might just give a nice reward to the person who helps me out, so please hear me out. Plus how would I screw someone over with their license I don't understand that, o well just could someone please help me out. Its not like I am asking for a credit card number just to see if your card works.

There are alot of things you can do with someone's Licence. Nobody is going to give it to you. You may as well try and use your parents or maybe a friends.