Updated Microsoft Protocol Documentation Available


FS Owner
Office Protocol Documentation - The Office protocol documentation provides detailed technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary protocols (including extensions to industry-standard or other published protocols) that are implemented and used in Microsoft Office client programs to interoperate or communicate with Microsoft products.

Office File Formats Documentation - The Microsoft Office file formats documentation provides detailed technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary file formats.

SQL Server Protocol Documentation - The Microsoft SQL Server protocol documentation provides detailed technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary protocols (including extensions to industry-standard or other published protocols) that are implemented and used in Microsoft SQL Server to interoperate or communicate with Microsoft products.

SharePoint Products and Technologies Protocol Documentation - The Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies protocol documentation provides detailed technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary protocols (including extensions to industry-standard or other published protocols) that are implemented and used in SharePoint Products and Technologies to interoperate or communicate with Microsoft products.

News Source: In-House