What I need to do?


New Member
Hi i'm new there and I dont' know what I need to do, i want terraria but every time I download the game files i get an .archive file and I don't know what to do with it cause i tried to unpack it but i can't and i used the search bar too to help me but i don't find anything, i know it's a noob question but what do I need to do with this file?
;sigh . . . (facepalm)
OK, lets get this straight, to make CF toolbox 'work' for YOU,
(I'm tryna go real SLOW here for you) you need two things:
1.NCF/GCF files
2. Game folder to be put in directory '/steamapps/common'
THEN turn off steam, and use CF toolbox to update the game ncf/gcf files,
if you still get an error . . . well, I don't know where you mucked up.