Why Play On Setti Server !!! Look The Post


New Member
Everybody cheats and why create new fucking launcher for play with fucking cheaters !!! ban = new acc fuck nothing will stop cheats in setti server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I Got Ban Now Fuck Off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Umm... I think it is English.... just not a form we are used to.....

but, whats with all the exclamation points? I think he is mad!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!111...one
it's not because he's canadian that english can be his first language .. he could be french too .. he could be anything else cause canada is opened to everybody ..

Quick English Grammar Lesson; This is a question mark. >?< A question mark is used when.... can you guess?? that's right, asking a question.

What my english ??? You And YOur SmS answer the question !!!!!!!!!
but I guess your asking and wanting a response while writing. What your English?? IT'S BAD.

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why is he pissed??? its his fault if he got banned, he should of created a new account so he can use cracked steam, one thing he is right though there will always be cheaters, i was once a cheater too then i saw the light and stopped and became a good guy try to stop cheating then i said fuck it and started to cheat.(again lol)
Maybe.... just MAYBE... His point is...

Why are we making a client so that we encourage cheaters by giving them unlimited accounts?

I dunno, kinda thought that was the point he was getting at...
Ways to stop the cheaters in non steam.

#1 detox
#2 HLG
#3 Cheating Death
#4 AMX/Sourcemod

New rev server patch assigns steam ID's, so now it's on the same playing level as normal servers.
You're complaining about setti servers but they get assigned steam ID's now, so it's like any other server now, that means you can go and complain on Valves forums.