Windows 7 vs. Vista: high-end cards put to the test


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ATI rolled out a unified driver for Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows7 Beta last week, intimating Vista-matching performance for the newoperating system whose release candidate is scheduled for the end ofMay 2009.

Windows 7 uses an updated driver model, WDDM v1.1, and ATI's confidentthat its drivers are up to scratch right now. Wetook a look at Vistaand 7 performance on an ultra-high-end Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GBcard,finding that, in our gaming suite at least, ATI's claims were bornetrue.

Choosing the twin-GPU 'X2 as a worst-case driver scenario, comparing itagainst the GeForce GTX 295, ATI's performance was more consistent.However, these £300-plus cards are few and far between, so,today, we take another look at Vista vs. 7 performance, but with aRadeon HD 4870 1GB vs. GeForce GTX 260 896MB - with both cards now shippingat around £175.

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