[WINDOWS]CLR Updates in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


FS Owner
Kevin Frie, development lead for core parts of the CLR recently posted about what CLR updates that come in 3.5 SP1....
  • NGen infrastructure rewrite: the new infrastructure uses less memory, produces less fragmented NGen images with much better locality, and does so in dramatically less time. What this means to you: Installing or servicing an NGen image is much faster, and cold startup time of your NGenв??ed code is better.
  • Framework Startup Performance Improvements: The framework is now better optimized for startup.
  • Better OS citizenship: Weв??ve modified NGen to produce images that are ASLR capable, in an effort to decrease potential security attack surface area.
  • Better 32-bit code quality: The x86 JIT has dramatically improved inlining heuristics that result in generally better code quality, and, in particular, much lower в??cost of abstractionв??.
