Does anyone else get creeped out by ginger kids?


New Member
Im not talking about 'daywalkers'

Im talking about full-on gingers.Freckles an' all.

They really creep me out, also my cousins best friends mum said ginger kids have no souls.

help appreciated....
Someone with orange hair and freckles.. Ginger kids is just another word for them. If you watch SouthPark then you would know =P

But hey I have a few Ginger friends and there actually really cool so leave them alone.
we're talkin bout the full on gingerness , freckles ginger hair lack of souls all that jazz
not just a guy with red hair i know one , what a ledge

and yes the daywalkers do creep me out , barricade yourself in your bathroom with nothing but a shotgun and some hardcore pornography , the daywalkers cometh
meh was just providing a pic and a link....
although i think the whole ginge thing is stupid ever since that south park episode :/