FreeSteam is a funny place... new programs are made to crack Steam, and Steam only.
Little do people know that there are 8 year old multipurpose brute/dictionary attackers like
Hydra, Brutus, etc. that you could easily use on auth. servers.
Btw: that video (which I saw almost a year ago), from what I can see, wouldn't work no matter what anyone on these boards tells you.
-It is obviously working very fast, it's bruteforcing which can quite literally take years over a network; word combo lists are far more effective
-He isn't using a proxy switcher... meaning he's using the same IP... meaning he can only try 10 or so passwords before his requests are denied. Brute forcing would require thousands of high-anonimity proxies (try finding 10, you probably can't)
-That app. being highly private is like keeping eggs away from someone who wants to make an omelet; they can go find eggs somewhere else.
Sorry for responding to old stuff, but I couldn't resist!