garrys mod will not work!


New Member
My garrys mod wont work ; I installed the undead patch a few months ago installed a few games and today when i open up gmod after loading this evil thing pops up : (it worked fine the other day):[

im sorry yo but garry newman being the little f****t he is put a null on the pirated gmod. U now have to buy gmod to play it which is sad cause that means this site will lose alot of its people! Stupid garry newman
Hey, I'm just saying its 20.00 USD with another game a good deal or get it when its on sale. I also have to agree with Gary he invests his time and money and Bandwidth are really high for, the bandwidth was mostly from people using a pirated copy of Garry's Mod. So in a matter of Fact he did this to save money not to earn more.