Gmod standalone problem


FS Member
Hey guys, its my first post here. Im having a bit of trouble. As you can tell by the title, im making a standalone of the latest Gmod. Unfortunately, I've run into a bit of a hiccup. I believe some models are not in the right place, or have not been added. These are the following GFCs im extracting.

half-life 2 2007 base content
source 2007 binaries 2
source 2007 shared materials
source 2007 shared models
source 2007 shared sounds
garrysmod content

Is there something im missing here? I know how to create a loader, and where to put everything. But when i load certain addons that work in the steam version, im treated to nothing but ERRORs.

I thank you for your help.
Gmod also borrows content form CSS HL2DM and DoD:s so you'll probably want all those GCF's plus the original source engine GCF's. You probably also need the episode 1 shared GCF to if all that fails.
Gmod also borrows content form CSS HL2DM and DoD:s so you'll probably want all those GCF's plus the original source engine GCF's. You probably also need the episode 1 shared GCF to if all that fails.

yes i actually JUST figured this out. When playing on steam, the game will automatically download bits and pieces when they are needed(which is why it took a minute to load each css weapon) but on the standalone i made, this isn't possible.

So yes, im downloading the GFCs right now. Thanks for the help.
What error do you get?

Since when do we need DoD:S to play Gmod?
Maybe that's just what i missed myself, because this game wasn't needed for Gmod 9, and now with gmod 11 or 12 i get this error: no steam apps
1st of all, dont threadjack, especially on a solved problem.

2nd you get that error for a wide range of reasons, if you made a standalone, make sure you aren't trying to run it while steam is running. Make your own thread and wait for an answer.

3rd no we dont need other content to run gmod. Learn to read. I needed css for the bullet casings a SWEP uses, therfore i would need CSS in order to use the SWEP properly.