What game? Source games already have them, as do many others

Side note: What ever happened to the term bots? Everyone calls any AI charecter NPC's now
I want to create npcs, no download it.
That sounds rather complicated but I'll give you a shot at some code.

Citizen NPC

local Category = "Your NPC Category"

local NPC = { Name = "Your NPC", Class = "npc_citizen",
Model = "models/yourmodelname.mdl", Health = "100", KeyValues = { citizentype = 4 }, Category = Category }

You might need to design a custom skin/mesh in '.mdl' format too if you want it to be completely customized and all
heres good!

Also remember to make sure you have the npc models in the right directory before loading your custom npc otherwise it may either crash the game or come up with some huge floating error message.

If your npc turns into a giant T shape and can't move or has clipped movement you may need to check the animations and correct them.To do this you have to decompile the '.mdl' file and edit the '.qc' files.

You also need Milkshake 3D for HL2 to edit '.qc' files. Don't worry, just google it, there are tonnes of tutorials and guides on how to work with Milkshake 3D especially on the website.

Hope This Helps!