Is it worth creating new Steam directory?


FS Member
Hey first post but Im not a total noob. I cracked my Steam before reading someone elses post asking if it was possible to get his legit account banned if he cracked Steam.

I have a legit account with quite a number of games. Right now Im on a blank account downloading Team Fortress 2 cracked version. Im still using the cracked Steam client.

Has anyone even had their legit account banned by using it on a cracked Steam client. Couldnt he or she just argue that it was someone elses computer and wasnt aware of such activity? I dont know if its worth it to install a new Steam under a new directory. I just want to install and play and go through the least trouble.
tbh, i've been using a steam acount that have all half-life 2 games with cracked steam for over two years now and nothing has happened. I even got this account hijacked twice, reported to valve, and they didn't even care. As long as you be careful (Like don't tell anyone that ure using crackde) then you're fine. Remembre, there is always a chance.
alright thanks ISO. love answers like yours. straight to the point.
I got one question that I dont think needs to be asked in a new thread.

Does ::::design Factory STEAM:::: have anything relationship with Friends, enemies, never heard of? freesteam is my first home so my loyalty goes out to you guys.