Low Account question

I wouldn't trust it. They phish people's Steam accounts and then sell them so the person that they got it from could easily recover it through Steam. And I don't think you will get a refund or a new account from them if it is recovered.
It could be trusted, we do link to it here at the forums, so someone here can vouch for it. You could try and ask how long they've had the account... normally if an account has been phished and it's been over a month and the original owner hasn't tried to get it back, it's now the phishers account. There are those rare cases though where the original owner gets the account back after server months. But that's a rarity.

On a side note, if you don't trust them I think I have an Orange Box account you could buy from me.
I wouldn't trust it. They phish people's Steam accounts and then sell them so the person that they got it from could easily recover it through Steam. And I don't think you will get a refund or a new account from them if it is recovered.

Are you serious? I own this site OF COURSE ITS TRUSTED.

PM me directly if you have any questions. I am a past FS Owner and now Administrator. Think next time psuchris..

We have our accounts for over a month before we put them there. If there is ever a problem with an account we can under mostly all circumstances replace the account in question. We/I will never scam someone who buys something from me.

Don't listen to false claims from people who have ZERO affiliation with a site. All of our dealing so far have been successful with no problems. Of course since we started this a little over a month ago there have been light sales and thus limited vouches.

You have a question, talk to me.

Wow Erix sorry I had no idea. I thought it was just some random site out on the internet that he found because most of them that sell Steams are like I described. If you own it then it's definitely trusted.