MAGIX Music Maker


FS Member
so I was playing around with it and just tossed crap on it and it sounds ok
so I uploaded it to youtub and I want to know what people think,
and do 720p for best quality 1080p wont make it sound better
Thumbs up from me, I enjoyed it. Personaly I would have put in a lot more layers in the second climiax and built it slowly then had a sudden cut off. But still good work
Thumbs up from me, I enjoyed it. Personaly I would have put in a lot more layers in the second climiax and built it slowly then had a sudden cut off. But still good work

im not a music artist and this is my second song made in it
but I will try that next remake to see if I can fix it up
it was just a challenge my friend gave me to make a song and he was to make one and who ever had the best song wins,
I won

now software to easy to use is just a bit cheap and the software I used was good for a song but now I can even toss out a dub-step song and thats the easiest to make. I think after 2 songs i used up my music skill