
New Member
Hi guyz just wanna ask how can i play mods with cracked version of games. For example I have a cracked HL2 then I wanna play Zombie Panic. Where would i put the files? plss help anyone tnx
All Source Mods should get installed into your SourceMods folder which is located in your steamapps folder with all of the GCF's, before you go into your account folder. "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\Mod"

The mod installers should already have the directory already selected. You may need to also get Source SDK Base and/or HL2DM, depends on the mod.

After installing the mod restart Steam, or log off and log back on. Should be in your games list.
Please stop calling pirated games "cracked", it's really confusing. If you are playing with cracked steam, extract the mod to steamapps/sourcemods. If nosteam, extract to the folder where hl2.exe is
I'm calling it "cracked" coz others call it that way. You mean i'll put the folder of the mod to the main directory? If that so, how can i open it? Theres no change game option in HL2's menu unlike HL.
I'm calling it "cracked" coz others call it that way. You mean i'll put the folder of the mod to the main directory? If that so, how can i open it? Theres no change game option in HL2's menu unlike HL.

-hl2.exe -game *dir of mod*

so if you install gmod for example, you would type -game garrysmod
for css, type -game cstrike
hope you get the point.
PS: people who usualyl calls pirated games "cracked" are usually the noobs. try not to blend in with them =P
-hl2.exe -game *dir of mod*

so if you install gmod for example, you would type -game garrysmod
for css, type -game cstrike
hope you get the point.
PS: people who usualyl calls pirated games "cracked" are usually the noobs. try not to blend in with them =P

i dont get it :confused: Where would we type -game garrysmod
(in this case zombie masters cuz that is the mod i wana play :
soo -game zombiemasters ?) And yes i am noob ;)
im trying to play it whit normal steam