Question about the Undead Patch


FS Member
hey, im new here and I needed to ask a question about the undead patch.

do you think that Valve would figure out I hacked to get garry's mod and Half life 2 for free, because im thinking about posting a movie and I dont want to get sued or something.

like a garry's mod machinima

any help is appreciated.
they pretty much have no way of knowing that you actually made the vid, cause you can download vids from anywhere and upload them to steam... in this case they will see that you dont own that game so they would assume you just got it from a friend or from somewhere on the internet and just uploaded it. so your pretty much safe, and the worst that could happen is that your account will get disabled, they try to refrain from as many lawsuits as possible. for them to sue you you'd have to do something ALOT bigger than just have a pirated game. on the other hand, if they ever did bother with all the ppl that do this, there would be virtually no gaming community, and steam would be shut down due to lack of support.
happy filming :D