NOTE: you will need a Logitech g15 keyboard for this to work
Ok some of you may of seen the vid on you tube
and are now wondering how the SHIZZLE DIZZLE can i get that.
Well, you need Winamp wich can be downloaded free here
then youll need to grab the plugin found here (this plugin can be very hard to find a dl link)
once you got that just extract the .dll file to (deafualt installation location) C:/ProgramFiles/Winamp/Plugins
now start up winamp get your music into a play list, then start grooving
now you would of noticed only your M buttons are flashing, easily fixed by pressing the 4th lcd button (farest right) you will see the settings menu apear, heres a tricky part, hold down both left and right CTRL and use the volume dial to scroll through the options, while you have both CTRL held down 2 new option will apear at the bottom of the list, the one you want to turn on (by pressing the play/puase button) is "Backlight VU Led"
once that is done you shoudl be right, all you have to do now is fine tune it to your tastes
ALSO!! NOTE: that using this plugin may disable and play around with the ability to use the M buttons!!
the plugin and the video on youtube is not mine
happy moddin!
*EDIT* a few type o fixes 'n' stuff
Ok some of you may of seen the vid on you tube
and are now wondering how the SHIZZLE DIZZLE can i get that.
Well, you need Winamp wich can be downloaded free here
then youll need to grab the plugin found here (this plugin can be very hard to find a dl link)
once you got that just extract the .dll file to (deafualt installation location) C:/ProgramFiles/Winamp/Plugins
now start up winamp get your music into a play list, then start grooving
now you would of noticed only your M buttons are flashing, easily fixed by pressing the 4th lcd button (farest right) you will see the settings menu apear, heres a tricky part, hold down both left and right CTRL and use the volume dial to scroll through the options, while you have both CTRL held down 2 new option will apear at the bottom of the list, the one you want to turn on (by pressing the play/puase button) is "Backlight VU Led"
once that is done you shoudl be right, all you have to do now is fine tune it to your tastes
ALSO!! NOTE: that using this plugin may disable and play around with the ability to use the M buttons!!
the plugin and the video on youtube is not mine
happy moddin!
*EDIT* a few type o fixes 'n' stuff