Steam Client Update Released

A new Steam Client update has been released and will be automatically downloaded.

NOTE: if you use one of several popular anti-virus products, you may experience a compatibility issue where Steam continually tries to apply this update but is blocked from doing without any error message. If so, please temporarily disable your anti-virus program's "real-time scanning" feature and restart Steam to finish applying the update. We are working to find a better solution for this incompatibility in future updates.

All platforms:
- Removed an error message that incorrectly blocked offline mode
- Improved handling of uploads for screenshots and saved games
- Improved anti-virus compatibility for future updates (will not take effect until the next update)
- Fixed a client crash when loading extremely large community profiles
- Fixed a UI issue that prevented users from entering very long cd-keys

- Fixed in-game overlay compatibility with DX9-level hardware in DX10-based games
- Improved client startup time