Steam Games (New links!)


Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas... a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.

Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.

On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets.

whats the password for this?
Fallout 3


Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world — radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.

Hi mate, thanks for the links but file part.8 through to part.14 are missing, can you please re-upload it?
I Need Help. How do I get my steam account to recognize the dark void zero download you have offered? i extracted the file and whent to the shortcut link but it says i have to authenticate it online with some sort of serial. Give me a break, I'm a N00b.
ty, i've noted all of the missing parts, don't worry i'll reupload them after i've done with my exams which end in 2 weeks from now :D

gonna make a mirror for ALL my uploads tommorow or tonight :)
it's better hosting site for me and you guys :)
Hey Drak, I'm extracting the .RAR files for Far Cry 2...but half way through the extraction process it says... "operation failed...password incorrect, or archive corrupted..." what's with this? I used the for the password? Any advice?
so do i put the files into mw2 folder?
some parts are missing for mw2 can u reupload them later

YOU MADE GOD!!!!!cuz your goku
please be more specific, what parts are missing

also i'm now busy with remote uploading my files to a new host
they're the same files as on sharingmatrix, please use the new host instead for resumping your download :)
Drak...I think there is something wrong with Far Cry 2....the files don't extract all the way through (as an .RAR) and it goes till about 86% for some or 1% for others before saying that the archive is corrupted....any tips :)
Thanks for all of your games!!!!!!!! You're A GENIUS!
try refreshing some times

Ok well before it would take me to sharingmatrix, which would say "No files in this folder" or something like that. Now it takes me to fileserve, and all the files are there. Haha don't know what happened but I'm not complaining. Unfortuanately 11 gigs even with JDownloader is gonna take quite a long time. Thanks though GoldDrak, you the greatest!
Ok well before it would take me to sharingmatrix, which would say "No files in this folder" or something like that. Now it takes me to fileserve, and all the files are there. Haha don't know what happened but I'm not complaining. Unfortuanately 11 gigs even with JDownloader is gonna take quite a long time. Thanks though GoldDrak, you the greatest!

yes, as i said before, i changed from hosting site again
but this is last change, it's good for everyone
gives you good speed - 500kb/sec
and only 12 mins waiting time between each file

Drak...I think there is something wrong with Far Cry 2....the files don't extract all the way through (as an .RAR) and it goes till about 86% for some or 1% for others before saying that the archive is corrupted....any tips :)
Thanks for all of your games!!!!!!!! You're A GENIUS!

will check what is wrong
Drak, I noticed that the Assassin's Creed II files are all set as either a ".PART" file or ".HTML" file. Do they still go in the steamapps section, and will they still act as a GCF file?
Thanks for any advice :D
I need help. I downloaded all your HL2: EP2 files. I put them in steamapps, and when I open cracked steam, it says "download paused". No matter what I do, I can't get the game to run. Help please, I desperately want to finish the series!
Drak, I noticed that the Assassin's Creed II files are all set as either a ".PART" file or ".HTML" file. Do they still go in the steamapps section, and will they still act as a GCF file?
Thanks for any advice :D

yes, i know, there was something wrong while uploading...
if you want to unpack it, just delete the ".html" from the filename

i know it's 43 files, but you have programs that do that to every file you select like total commander :)

i will fix this when i have time (this can take a while since it's with multiple games)

ty for understanding :)


i made a fix for the .html isue
just download this file and run it where your file with html exension are it will automatically remove the ".html" extension :)

I need help. I downloaded all your HL2: EP2 files. I put them in steamapps, and when I open cracked steam, it says "download paused". No matter what I do, I can't get the game to run. Help please, I desperately want to finish the series!

maybe the files are outdated, make an archive with cftoolbox and upload it here plz :)
Alright, thanks a lot Drak...but even if all of this does work, then I should be able to play assassin's creed 2? i've just heard that the whole online connection requirement really screws things up :(...
~Thanks :D
What is the password?? (to the .rar files of Call Of Duty and United Offensive) Thank you in advance, this post is great!

Oops... forget it... -> (This was my 3rd try)
For you Drak, I am searching for all the patches to update the outdated episode two content.gcf. Yours is a v5. I updated to v9. Still outdated. I will continue the search, and if all goes well, I will upload the updated version. Anything to help you out, you get me the games I want :) haha I FINALLY feel like I'm contributing to SOMETHING.

Ok I have successfully updated the file all the way to v11. However, under "Properties" in cftoolbox, it says that the last version is 12. So it's still out of date. I'm having a hard time finding the last patch. Could anyone help?
For you Drak, I am searching for all the patches to update the outdated episode two content.gcf. Yours is a v5. I updated to v9. Still outdated. I will continue the search, and if all goes well, I will upload the updated version. Anything to help you out, you get me the games I want :) haha I FINALLY feel like I'm contributing to SOMETHING.

Ok I have successfully updated the file all the way to v11. However, under "Properties" in cftoolbox, it says that the last version is 12. So it's still out of date. I'm having a hard time finding the last patch. Could anyone help?

uuum, i own the game :)
just give me a archive lol
uuum, i own the game :)
just give me a archive lol

Haha no that would be too easy!! I have been on this forum MANY MANY times, yet I had no idea how to use cftoolbox. That is the real reason for me spending so much time on this, because I needed to learn. Why take the easy way out? Anyway, I've got all the necessary updates, and I can upload the updated versions, just as soon as they turn my internet back on (I'm biting off my neighbors signal, WAY too slow for anything other than a quick message.)

EDIT: Apparently I did not do as well as I had hoped. I have no idea what happened, but now none of my Half-Life games are running. All I did was apply patches to get the half life 2 episode 2 content.gcf to v12 and half life 2 2007 base content.gcf to v4. That seems like that's what I had to do, since they were both out of date. Now none of the Half-Life games are working, not even Portal. Help please??
I need help with GTA San Andreas. I downloaded it and put it into the "Steamapps-Folder" but i cannot start it. Can anybody help me???

what error do you get

Haha no that would be too easy!! I have been on this forum MANY MANY times, yet I had no idea how to use cftoolbox. That is the real reason for me spending so much time on this, because I needed to learn. Why take the easy way out? Anyway, I've got all the necessary updates, and I can upload the updated versions, just as soon as they turn my internet back on (I'm biting off my neighbors signal, WAY too slow for anything other than a quick message.)

EDIT: Apparently I did not do as well as I had hoped. I have no idea what happened, but now none of my Half-Life games are running. All I did was apply patches to get the half life 2 episode 2 content.gcf to v12 and half life 2 2007 base content.gcf to v4. That seems like that's what I had to do, since they were both out of date. Now none of the Half-Life games are working, not even Portal. Help please??

make me an archive man
it's more easier for me and you
if your pc is so bad then the best sollution is:

Reinstall your OS

Well this isn't the same computer I usually use for this kind of thing. I currently am not home, all my steam stuff is on my computer there. I just wanted to see if I could fix the files while i was out. This is my work computer. Eventually I'll get fired for using it to goof off as much as I do (as you can see) but whatever. I'll get an archive....sometime.
u should put it in one to three files so we dont need to wait for 55 min for parts
but ppl are patients right, is anybody with me with tht?
All the .ncf's for F.E.A.R. 2 are outdated too. Again, I can upload an archive after I get back home. I would update myself but can't seem to get hold of any patches....

EDIT: Sorry for the noobishness, but this website, as well as cftoolbox, are both pretty new to me. So I right click and click "Make Archive". That's all you want right? Well, is there a way for me to upload directly to here? Or do I have to go to a filesharing thing?
All the .ncf's for F.E.A.R. 2 are outdated too. Again, I can upload an archive after I get back home. I would update myself but can't seem to get hold of any patches....

EDIT: Sorry for the noobishness, but this website, as well as cftoolbox, are both pretty new to me. So I right click and click "Make Archive". That's all you want right? Well, is there a way for me to upload directly to here? Or do I have to go to a filesharing thing?

same for me :)
as i said before, changed from hosting site, but i forgot to remote upload the source games
srry for that, will do that as soon as possible

I'm sorry...what? That didn't seem to answer my question....

it's the same for me if you upload it on filehosting site or as an attachement
dark hey um yea
for the mw2 download does it work in multiplayer or i need to download somethin else
thank u very much

srry man, i'm not gonna reupload everything again, that or nothing
it alright it alright ppl

thank u for the games dark thank u very much
Man, Goku lol... Could you reupload part 64 from Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare? It won't download, it says:

'Internet Explorer can't download COD.part64.rar from
Internet Explorer can't open this website. The site is not available or can't be found. Try again later.'

I've been downloading this game since yesterday, non-stop, so it would be a... bummer if it all goes to waste. (I'm just guessing that it is an uploading problem, I haven't had any problems with the other 63 parts.)

Oh, and about the updates, do I copy the game into the 'common' folder and then use the updates? (Just a minor doubt) ((You'll have to excuse my english, I'm doing my best here xD)) THANKS MAN, you rock!
Man, Goku lol... Could you reupload part 64 from Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare? It won't download, it says:

'Internet Explorer can't download COD.part64.rar from
Internet Explorer can't open this website. The site is not available or can't be found. Try again later.'

I've been downloading this game since yesterday, non-stop, so it would be a... bummer if it all goes to waste. (I'm just guessing that it is an uploading problem, I haven't had any problems with the other 63 parts.)

Oh, and about the updates, do I copy the game into the 'common' folder and then use the updates? (Just a minor doubt) ((You'll have to excuse my english, I'm doing my best here xD)) THANKS MAN, you rock!

yes, download all the parts + updates, extracct the rars in your common folder
apply the updates with cftoolbox
i will reupload part 64 :)


Part 64 reuploaded :D

dark hey um yea
for the mw2 download does it work in multiplayer or i need to download somethin else
thank u very much

It WORKS with multiplater through IWFail :)
there goes half life epi. 1 notting in the folder
Try putting this thing with some other uploading site
Edit:I ment that when you click on the link it says notting in the folder or did you do that?

Thanks for the other games too (No sarcasm) (I ment that I donwloaded the other ones and they worked)
yes, download all the parts + updates, extracct the rars in your common folder
apply the updates with cftoolbox
i will reupload part 64 :)


Part 64 reuploaded :D

Hey man!
Look, I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but... I still get the same error:
'Firefox can't find the file in'

Which I think is weird because I see that you re-uploaded it (Uploaded on 20 June 10 03:52). Maybe you could upload this one part in rapidshare... or megaupload?

About the updates, is there any order I should use them?
And, do the updates go in the common folder with COD4? or in the steamapps folder?