Whats UP!

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New Member
Whats up everyone, hope yall are having a good summer so far:P, haha. well heres a lil bit about me. im a graphic artist, i do photoshop nd stuff, but im still a lil nublet haha. i also develop and moderate websites. this is my first time on this site and i must say its great, very easy to maneuver and find everything you want. so u might see me around askin some n00b questions lol, but i try to help whenever i can, well thats enough of my blabbering loll. hope u all have a good day!

Welcome on, don't be embarrassed about making silly questions. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask/post. All of us start with a learning stage.
Welcom to the Freesteam Enrichment Center. There is a cake waiting for you at the end of the course :D
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