Windows Media Center RIP?


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Mark Gibbs: "Digital Television (DTV) is an advanced broadcasting technology that will transform your television viewing experience. DTV enables broadcasters to offer television with better picture and sound quality. It can also offer multiple programming choices, called multicasting, and interactive capabilities.” – from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Digital Television site.

Digital television (DTV) was (still is?) supposed to be the next big thing – right? The goal was to both improve the quality of broadcast television and free up radio spectrum (which the FCC will likely auction off, and the funds will then vanish into whatever politically defined boondoggle is perceived as “crucial” at the time, but I digress).

The problem is that DTV isn’t flawless and, indeed, arguably it is not even on a par with traditional analog television. Early adopters have discovered that nearby aircraft and other radio frequency sources cause serious reception and interference problems. But wait, there’s more.

</img> View Full Article: Network World
