YASAM Questions


FS Member
ok, so i dont quite understand what this is for....

1)when you use YASAM, does it login from that, or do you login using steam

2) if so, can you play games like l4d2, online, like say on the same server with my friend, while he uses steam to launch and play the game, while i YASAM

3) wouldnt it give some sort of error saying that there is 2 or more people using the same key?
1) YASAM is used if you have more than one Steam account that you like to play games off of often. For instance if you have L4D2 on one account and TF2 on another account and you play them both equally. Then instead of having to switch accounts on Steam all of the time you would just choose your game in Steam.

2) You would need 2 different accounts to do this. YASAM simply manages mulitple Steam accounts. I heard of a way that if someone launches a game on an account and then somebody else logs into that account it won't actually close their game. I don't know how this would work with Valve games and being in the same server etc.

3) Possibly. You could test what I just said in #2 and tell us what happens.
well i want to be sure because i have heard that Valve can be a douch and just shut your account down if you eff up even once... so i dont really wanna take a chance, but thanks anyway. i have too many games and i dont wanna lose 'em lol.