A few questions..


FS Member
Hey guys,

First of all - may i say congratulations. You guys have fantastic community and a amazing set of resources and games.

Now, my aim is this -

I am soon moving to a new house in the middle of nowhere, i will have to use 3G dongles sadly. These dongles have a 15GB DL limit, which is horrid compared to my current unlimited package on broadband i have, my main gaming PC currently hasnt a network card therefore im using my non-gaming PC for internet etc and my gaming PC for gaming until we move.

Im just wondering -
How would i download the steam games files for Team Fortress 2, so when i move and get internet on my main PC i can just buy the game legally and then it would see the game files, i wouldnt need to waste my bandwidth and i could just get playing online!

Thanks and Regards,


Btw, rewards are avaliable for those who help.
First of all thanks
Hey guys,
You guys have fantastic community and a amazing set of resources and games.

And to help you I guess you should download all source files
and then download TF2 and burn them on discs OR if you have USB with like 8GB then I suggest using it,but it will take a year to extract all files on the USB.

If you're going to use the methods I told then I suggest compressing the file with Winzip or .7z



After you finished and extracted everything on main PC then you can buy the game and play instantly.
these are the source files you need to download for tf2 (you need these plus all of the team fortress 2 files in Jake's other link):
source 2007 binaries.gcf
source 2007 shared materials.gcf
source 2007 shared models.gcf
source 2007 shared sounds.gcf

when you want to play the game you will have to put all of the .gcfs in your program files/steam/steamapps folder (or wherever else you have steam installed at)

after you do this you will still have to download the game content files. to do this you would just have to open steam (with all of the .gcfs in the steamapps folder) and it should download the content automatically to program files/steam/steamapps/[your account name]/team fortress 2.
i'm not sure if you will be able to download the content files (without a steam patch/crack) if you do not own the game. if you can't, you can either get a steam patch/crack and use that to automatically download it (ask me for help to do this if you don't know how) or you could ask me to upload the content folder for you.

if you have any problems i'll be glad to help
Wow guys, thanks for the help :D

Okay, do i just do the same for stuff such as CS 1.6 and Source etc? :)

So what i do is download the files in the links you gave me, put them in steamapps.. then i buy teamfortress and start playing instantly? No downloads needed?
Okay guys, i just found my old Orange Box game case with the CD-Key etc.. i tried installing but i dont have the second disc!

Anyway, its downloading the rest via steam at the moment.

But - my previous account got banned because some idiot who bought a game for me tried to charge the money back.. thus my account got banned. Once the game is downloaded can i use the CD-Key i used before for the orange box? and if so will it work? If not how do i unban my account easily?
If you used that CD-Key on the banned account it will not work for your good account.
If you want your account un-banned, you'll need to make a support ticket at the steam's support site HERE. No guarantee that will work though.