cafи launcher - is that working?

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Its probably a scam.. don't download it. It most likely replaces your login window with a fake one that steals your info.
Its probably a scam.. don't download it. It most likely replaces your login window with a fake one that steals your info.

yes that i figured out myself, so i did: a new acc, new email, and a crappy pass (testtest) and then i downloaded that file, and i replaced 4 that Steam one, then i launch it, yes thats look Ok and all, then i try log on.. but, the password or account is wrong? yeh i try 2-3 times, wrong and wrong, now i deletede the 'fake' steam, and replaced the 'real' steam, and vupti, the acc name wasnt wrong..

so thats fake, sry guys, my fault :P
Read the above post.. and go to your youtube link, I posted a comment.
Don't believe anything on youtube.. its all scam.
Hack as in cheat for a game or as in cafe launcher that actually let you play all the games on all the VAC2 servers?

I bet it was one of these:
Cracked steam
Outdated steam cafe launcher
Outdated key generator
Or something else outdated..

The security is much stronger, I don't think old programs would bypass it.
If you found a working hack.. why are you posting this..
Hack as in cheat for a game or as in cafe launcher that actually let you play all the games on all the VAC2 servers?

I bet it was one of these:
Cracked steam
Outdated steam cafe launcher
Outdated key generator
Or something else outdated..

The security is much stronger, I don't think old programs would bypass it.
If you found a working hack.. why are you posting this..

i didnt told the hack was anything about steam :D ?
The low quality video, first give away.
The public link, second give away.

Cafe stuff will never be public again!!!
And theres people on youtube who actualy believe this shite, what the fuck, the world really is screwed up.
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