Need help by installing Commandos


New Member

I'm new here and in using ********.
I've downloaded a file on a other Website, and in the discription was written tha all i've to do is copy the files in the donwload into the SteamApp folder.
Now I've unzip the data and copyed into the SteamApp folder but ******** still sayes that I should try it later again


Sorry for my bad english, I'm from germany
Sorry I'm new here and on some bords I've read that's the best.
What I've to use insted???

† .ISO™ † you said Pacshit but I'm only an Noob you know.
So what should I use insted of Pac..... pleas help.
I realy don't want to pay a lot of money to play a few games for an houre the day!!!
Can you say me what is the best to play steam games for low?

i use SMD

Also, non of the cracked steam clients can let you download all games and play on al lservers, so you have to download the gcfs/ncfs manually.
Is it in use as easy as Pac?
And can I still use the Games I allredy istalled?

I know that you need the files, I said i've downloade the needed files (The guy said these are the right, I dont know if it's right) in the .rar file was a gamedir and a .ncf file and I copyed all data into the SteamApps dir, now Steam says the game is installed but i still can't start
Is it in use as easy as Pac?
Say pac one more time and i'll slap you.
Just read the instructions

"And can I still use the Games I allredy istalled?"
Yes, as long as they have the same steamapps folder

I know that you need the files, I said i've downloade the needed files (The guy said these are the right, I dont know if it's right) in the .rar file was a gamedir and a .ncf file and I copyed all data into the SteamApps dir, now Steam says the game is installed but i still can't start
What's the error?
But the game is in my list as 100% finished and when i wanna start he'll update and says server is to busy, i checkt the options and said he shoulden't update but he's still trying