New CS game

Anyone seen the trailers for the new CS game coming out the beginning of next year? Looks pretty cool. I just wonder how it will do compared to the others. Not many new maps ever get played, mainly just the old ones like Dust2, Italy, Office and what not.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive closed beta will be released at the end of November. It is said to basically CS 1.6 with hd graphics plus other stuff like guns I think. It will be avaliable on consoles and PS3 players can play cross platform with PC/Mac players. I think it will be great, because they are sticking to the basics rather than change everything and try to be like CoD. Valve games never disappoint so I think this will be great. But they should spend more time on Half Life, been waiting forever for the next installment of the game
It will be avaliable on consoles and PS3 players can play cross platform with PC/Mac players.
Half Life, been waiting forever for the next installment of the game
AWESOME, cross platform gameplay will make it EVEN more popular! Valve really knows the gaming market bussiness, not like some companies.
Yeh, PS3 players wont be able to take advantage of the dedicated servers though, they will have to stick to matchmaking and the PC/Mac version will basically be like's mw2 if you have played it, with an option for dedicated servers and matchmaking
Yeh, PS3 players wont be able to take advantage of the dedicated servers though, they will have to stick to matchmaking and the PC/Mac version will basically be like's mw2 if you have played it, with an option for dedicated servers and matchmaking
awww, well i guess there had to be a catch to it. Thats how the world works . . .
It might be released on november, but I'm already downloading a pirated version of it ^^ *liek a boss*