

New Member

I'm paradox1911

My name comes from two famous warez teams PARADOX and RZR1911 combined.

For a while now i have been debugging steam coding various tools and just playing around with the source engine and the protection scheme on Steam games.

I have so far been able to remove dongles from Steam games on single player...
and written my own unpackers and re builders to do so automatically.

In the past I had written a Steam ID spoofer. (no longer works)

So in messing around with packets ;) i discovered that using the free HL2: DM offer is REALLY fun especially considering I can do it as many times as I want.

I play CAL HL2: DM

and I code, crack software and root servers, mainly Linux 2.6.x in my spare time.

bot-nets are also fun for me... Defacing web pages is a thing of the past.

I want root on everything possible.

I hope I can release some of my exploits and tools/findings here. (in a private section?) so they don't get patched by the fuckers at valve/Steam.

- .pdx1911
Well , nothing will get fucked by valve :)and also Steam is program made by valve to run games and stuff...


Hmmmm seems like you have fun, you might have a future here ;)
Thank you all... A post of mine is waiting for moderation.

I look forward to my stay here.

For all who may be wondering I code in Win32 Assembly (ASM)