CSS update only : 14/07/2007 - Posted by

Download > :CSS.rar
Delete the old css directory in MinifilesFixes and extract the new css folder in its place.
- CS:S Standalone Credits: EDDY-K -
What are content updates?Ministeam 1.4
Content Updates ordered by release date
http://sharebee.com/38e66ae0 - Finally adds all officially released games and tools to ministeam. 175 in total (if used with all previous content updates)
Full Package with MiniSteam 1.4.2 and all content updates
Ministeam 1.4.5 update
This fixes the font problems problems
SOME users were having with 1.4.2
content updates let ministeam support newer games if they are released on steam before a full ministeam update. They are included automatically in any ministeam CODE update so dont worry if you miss downloading one and it disappears.

- Mini Steam Version v1.4.5 -
Launcher Code and Design = Rix/Trixstar
Game Images/Config/Beta testing = Baine/N008
Sourcemods Image = Vasuki
- We're not worthy! We're not worthy! -
Uses and is built on Steam Emu by hCupa
Uses setti master server
If we missed anyone please shoutout (quietly)
- We're not worthy! We're not worthy! -
Mini steam is a content launcher for steam games.
+ lightweight steam styled interface enhanced from FSAuto base code.
+ currently supports nearly all ncf games. (Some require req fixes)
+ currently supports nearly all gcf games.
+ Fully offline GCF extraction plays your GCF games seamlessly.
+ Can switch user on-the-fly. no restart is needed.
+ Has menu options to ease new game installations for first timers.(req files.etc.)
+ Can Patch any game it can execute and restore all files on game exit. Its completly effortless.
+ Uses generic patching engine so its easy for experienced users to correct problems caused by steam.
+ Entire content listing is kept in external files for unlimited future product support.
+ Supports sourcemods
Please note: hl1 mods are not supported in this release. and prolly never will be.
About the fixpacks:
+ All Hl2 online games are playable on cracked servers (css) also fixes Gmod 10 error.
+ Episode 1 is playable (ep1)
Installation instructions.
If you have used ministeam before:
Delete your existing copy of ministeam.exe and delete the minifiles folder in your
steam directory. It contains unneeded files. All required files are supplied in the new archive.
Open the archive and extract the Minifiles folder and Ministeam.exe to your steam folder.
Run Ministeam.exe
Mini steam has three view modes:
1. Ready to play.
2. Installed. Not extracted.
3. All supported games.
You can toggle between mode 1 and 2 by pressing the small circle button
in the bottom left corner.You can also select these modes from the right click menu.
If you have no games installed you can use mode 3 to see all support games.
Everything else is very simple have fun.
Always virus scan ANY fixpack you download.
Fixpacks contain executable data and may harm your pc if you are
not security consious. These can include viri,trojans and keyloggers.
This goes for ANY peice of software you dl not just fixpacks.
Its YOUR responsability to ensure your pc is safe! Not ours.
You have been warned.
How can i help?
Make fixpacks and get the games working.
Technical notes.
This app doesnt use the steamemu function for actually starting the application.
It uses shellexecute instead since the steamemu function would 'repair' the
fixpacks and they are currently required. In short fixpacks are prefered to this feature atm. dont request it.