FS Owner
Please tag all threads in this section with the appropriate tag so members can easily see what the download link is before they enter the thread.
Key :
RS = RapidShare
MF = MediaFire
HF= HotFile
FS = FileServe
MU = MegaUpload
MS = MegaShares
SS = SendSpace
MM = MassMirror
Other = Other
[INFO] = General information you should read.
[REQ] = A GCF or NCF Request
[DEAD] = Either a dead link report or a thread that currently has dead links.
Just for the people who don't know where to add the tag see this screen shot:
Key :
RS = RapidShare
MF = MediaFire
HF= HotFile
FS = FileServe
MU = MegaUpload
MS = MegaShares
SS = SendSpace
MM = MassMirror
Other = Other
[INFO] = General information you should read.
[REQ] = A GCF or NCF Request
[DEAD] = Either a dead link report or a thread that currently has dead links.
Just for the people who don't know where to add the tag see this screen shot: