TF2 bugs and errors


New Member

I just got all required GCFs to play TF2, updated with CFToolbox and patches, loaded Steam with undead patch, it shows "Ready - 100%" for TF2 alright, but when I launch the game, I get errors in the console. (can still play, but buggy).
I also tried with ******** : same result.
What I am missing ?

Noticable bugs include:
- can't change name using "name" command (name is locked on my steam's settings nickname)
- "can't open tf2_playerstats.dmx", so no stats recorded.
- Occasional crashes

Errors :

When I launch the game, the console shows :

Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)
maxplayers set to 24
Steam config directory: j:\steam\steamapps\*****\team fortress 2\platform\config
Convar tf_impactwatertimeenable has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)
Convar r_drawropes has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
UnserializeDMX: Unable to open file "tf2_playerstats.dmx"

Then, for exemple, if I open the Settings menu, lot of new errors appear :

ConVarRef hud_quickinfo doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef topcolor doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef bottomcolor doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_himodels doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_playermodel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshairusealpha doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshair_red doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshair_green doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshair_blue doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshair_scale doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshair_file doesn't point to an existing ConVar
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/crosshair_bg
ConVarRef doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef cl_crosshairscale doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef hud_quickinfo doesn't point to an existing ConVar

And I also get countless various errors during gameplay.
Then, sometimes, when I do a headshot or a round end, the game immediatly crash and return to windows.

it looks like your GCF is incomplete and is falsely reporting that it is at 100% try verifying the content (right click>options>verify game content)
Checking files...
Btw, when I launch the game with ********, "find servers" only list servers that can be played with a patched steam. Does it list all the servers that do that ? Is there something similar that works with undead patch ?

Edit : Amazing ! I just downloaded TF2 again with an unpatched steam and a legit account owning TF2 someone lended me, and I have the exact same problem !

WTF ? Could having already launched a f***ed up version of steam have messed with my "general steam settings" or something, shared by all steam installations on my computer ? How can I reset this ? Even buying the game wouldn't solve the problem now -_-

(BTW, the fiirst time I got those problem was after downloading a EXTRACTED torrent version of the game. I though that it was messed up so downloaded the GCF files, but the problem apparently stayed from there. I Tried this on different computers, same problem, but I also had tried the extracted version on those computers)